About Us
Read Five Designs create checklist posters and books for fans alike covering movies and popular culture. We want to deliver that same nostalgia and excitement we felt when holding the Luke Skywalker farm boy figure for the first time through a variety of informative collector pieces in their own right.
Gianni Venturini
A graphic designer from London whose passion for Star Wars began after his mum took him to see the original movie at the Shepherd’s Bush Gaumont Theatre in 1978. From then on Gianni would request all the figures from each of the movies, every birthday and Christmas. With both Gianni's and Greg's creative backgrounds, Read Five Designs are able to create items that are not only good reference guides but can also be considered stand-out pieces in anybody's collection.
Greg Armstrong
A digital marketing and retail expert whose love for all thingsStar Wars began with his mum working in the toy section of a department store. Greg would have many of the toys in the line before even seeing the movies themselves. Greg's passion for photography is apparent throughout the items Read Five Designs produces, giving them the high quality feel Read Five Designs strives for. His figure photography, that can be found across Read Five Designs Socials, are well checking out!

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Star Wars is a registered trademark of The Walt Disney Company/Lucasfilm Ltd. The book, posters and other products are not authorised, sanctioned, endorsed, approved or produced by The Walt Disney Company/Lucasfilm Ltd., Hasbro Toy Group or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. The books, posters and other products in no way attempts to infringe on any copyright. The books created are a result of the author’s independent research for a reference guide and are intended to provide information for the collector.